Most importantly...

...I want to give you my absolutely best services at the best price. In food photography prices can greatly vary. So don't hesitate to contact me to get a price taylored to your specific needs and budget.

Product Still Life

Concept & Styling. 1h shooting. Post production of 5 high resolution images. Excludes Food.

from 300€

Still life including food

Concept & Styling. 2h shooting. Post production of 5 high resolution images. Excludes Recipe.

from 350€

Still life including Food + Recipe Development

Concept & Styling. 2h shooting. Recipe. Post production of  5 high resolution images. Excludes Food.

from 400€

Half Day Rate

Up to 4h of shooting. Post-production. 20-25 high resolution images. Local travel (Barcelona & Sant Cugat).

from 450€

Full Day Rate

Up to 8h of shooting. Post-production. 35+ high resolution images. Local travel (Barcelona & Sant Cugat)

from 750€

1-to-1 On-Site Coaching

2h session in which I help you to take better images, taking into account the characteristics of your product and location. We'll take a deep look into what you're struggling with, your specific doubts. The session might include looking at the best place for pictures, basic techniques of manipulating the light, camera settings, food styling and composition tips, exploring the most favourable angle, editing for a cohesive style and more. 

from 250€


Photography 100€/h, Overtime 120€/h (billed in 15min blocks)

Styling 60€/h, 1/2 day 250€, full day 400€

Post Production: additional edits requested: 50€/h (billed in 15min blocks)

*    *    *

Prices do not include VAT. Prices are guides only and subject to change. Licensing is additional, except for small businesses in which case it is included for use on social media, websites, menus, corporate pdfs and flyers for a period of three years. Extra licensing fees apply for product packaging, billboards as well as print and web advertising. All copyright remains property of Lenka Selinger.

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